Friend Street Kindergarten Philosophy

Our philosophy was developed in collaboration with the children, families and staff of the kindergarten and is reviewed regularly. The philosophy is a reflection of the values of our community. The philosophy along with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework guides our programming and practices to ensure a collaborative approach to our children’s development, learning and wellbeing.

Our Philosophy

  • Friend Street Kindergarten is a place where children are supported by teachers, educators, family and community to play, grow and learn.

    Our philosophy is led by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

    ◊ the right to live a full life

    ◊ the right to be heard

    ◊ the right to non-discrimination

    ◊ the right for the best interests of the child to be upheld

    Our Philosophy is inspired by the families and professionals who have been part of the kindergarten community since 1952. In response to Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority, the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and our quality improvement plan we are challenged to grow and change while providing a meaningful and caring environment for our children.

    Friend St. Kindergarten families want their children to be

    Kind, confident, independent, respectful and inclusive, resilient, honest

    Therefore we promote and acknowledge:

    ·       Equity and diversity

    ·       The learning children bring from home

    ·       Respectful relationships and responsive engagements

    ·       Partnerships with families

    ·       Commitment to the rights of all children to feel safe, and be safe at all times

    AND Friend St. Kindergarten families want their children to be

    Creative, engaged, inquisitive, open-minded, competent, connected to community and environment

    Therefore we promote and acknowledge:

    ·       A program where young children learn about the world through play

    ·       Integrated learning and teaching approaches

    ·       The importance of our first nations people and diverse cultures within our community

    ·       High expectations for every child

    ·       Awareness, respect and responsibility for surroundings

    ·       The importance of assessment for learning and development